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Important Notifications

Please read as it contains important updates regarding Lifespan Housing

  • New SBEM 6.1b Version Manual

    New Version of the SBEM manual now available to view...

  • Important notice regarding Lifespan Software

    21.04.2021 We have been aware of an issue that is affecting access to Lifespan Software. We are working towards getting the issue resolved. Once the software is back up and running you will be notifie...

  • Important notice regarding Lifespan Energy

    We are carrying out essential maintenance work on the servers from 5pm on Friday 11th December 2020 to 9am on Monday 14th December 2020. During this time you will be unable to access your Lifespan RdS...

  • Important notice regarding Lifespan Software and FTP Access

    We are carrying out essential maintenance work on our servers from 5pm on Friday 18th December 2020 to 9am on Monday 21st December 2020 and subsequently there will be a change on how our FTP servers a...

  • Important notice regarding Lifespan Housing

    We are carrying out essential maintenance work on our servers from 5pm on Friday 18th December 2020 to 9am on Monday 21st December 2020. During this time you will be unable to access your Lifespan Hou...