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Relodging a Domestic (RdSAP) EPC

In order to re-lodge an EPC lodged in error you should first change its status to cancelled. This can be done by clicking on the "Change report status" link found at the bottom of the "Your recent lodgements" area of your control panel. After clicking on this link you will be asked to enter the RRN of the EPC you wish to change the status of. Once entered click continue. You will then be asked to enter a reason for the cancelation of the EPC. Once the EPC has been cancelled, you are then free to re-lodge a copy of the original lodged in error. This should be completed by locating the original in the lodged area of the address summary screen of your account (ensuring the “lodged “tick box to ensure the lodged surveys are displayed), selecting the survey by clicking the survey address and then clicking the “Duplicate” button found at the bottom of the screen. This will then create a duplicate survey in the un-lodged area of your address summary screen for you to edit appropriately and re-lodge. The Lifespan SAP Team