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Landmark address search facility

"Users should be aware that the Landmark address search facility is owned and operated by the Landmark Information service on behalf of Communities and Local Government (CLG). EPCs may only be lodged against addresses which match the exact format and Landmark assigned UPRN which is held on this centralised database. To simplify this process Lifespan provide an integrated interface to the address matching service to eliminate discrepancies between specified addresses and those which appear on the database. Where addresses provided by the Landmark information service are apparently incorrect, or in an undesirable format, these should be amended using the request facilities provided within the interface service (add base address/ building part). Failing this, Landmark may be contatced directly on: 01392685430. Details on the address editing process can be found in the Lifespan SBEM FAQ document which can be found in the downloads section of the HelpDesk.