"The iSBEM manual expands upon this description by defining that ""the building has been identified as being: one of special architectural or historical interest, in a conservation area, in a designated area of special character or appearance, or of traditional construction"" - This parameter is active only if the Purpose of Analysis” parameter is set to ‘EPC England’, ‘EPC Wales’, or ‘EPC Northern Ireland’."" If selected the following text will be displayed within the Recommendation Report: “The Building has been identified as being: one of special architectural or historical interest, in a conservation area, in a designated area of special character or appearance (e.g. national park, an AoNB), or of traditional construction. Some of the recommendations provided with this report may not be suitable for such a building, some may need special consents, and other measures may be available. Further information and guidance is available on the English Heritage website (www.english-heritage.org.uk/epbd).”