"Where there are no existing fixed building services or evidence of a previous HVAC system the assumed HVAC system will always be a ‘system’ of fanned electric room heaters with an ‘Effective Heat Generating Seasonal Efficiency’ of 100% and a local cooling system with a EER and SEER of 2.5. The assumed HVAC system will be applied to all zones in the building where there is an expectation of conditioning. For the following zones it is appropriate to only apply the heating ‘system’ of fanned electric room heaters with an ‘Effective Heat Generating Seasonal Efficiency’ of 100%: ‘24x7 warehouse storage*’, ‘domestic bathroom’, ‘domestic bedroom’, ‘domestic circulation’, ‘domestic dining room’, ‘domestic kitchen’, ‘domestic lounge’, ‘domestic toilet’, ‘dry sports hall’, ‘heavy plant room*’, ‘industrial process area’, ‘light plant room*’, ‘warehouse storage’, ‘workshop small scale’ and ‘plant room**’. * only available in v4 ** only available in v3.5"