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7.04 Display Lighting

"Where zones incorporate an activity whereby SBEM automatically assumes the presence of display lighting but none is actually present, the display lighting efficiency for SBEM shall be entered such that it is the same as that of the general lighting present in that zone. Where possible this should be calculated but as this requires detailed measurements of the lm and cW this is not usually practical in existing buildings. The following ‘default’ values should therefore be used: 1. For all general lamp types except Tungsten or Tungsten Halogen; you must enter that the display lighting uses efficient lamps and enter 50lm/cW in the relevant Lumens per circuit wattage box. 2. For Tungsten or Tungsten Halogen general lamps; you do not enter that the display lighting uses efficient lamps and you do not have to enter a value in the Lumens per circuit wattage box."